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Software Developer


1 month ago
Not Specified

As a Software Developer, you build and maintain and related applications using a modern tech stack. You will work closely with other Software Developers and the larger department to optimize the speed and integrity of our systems and create the best ecommerce experience possible for our users.

Some specific role responsibilities

  • Work on all aspects of the development cycle from researching and defining requirements to deploying and testing completed code
  • Become an expert in full-stack web development and create high-quality features customized to Tekton's needs
  • Develop robust automated tests to ensure website and mobile application stability
  • Actively test, triage, troubleshoot, and resolve bugs and flaws
  • Identify and recommend potential improvements; implement those updates accordingly
  • Learn, test, and integrate with external REST and GraphQL APIs
  • Contribute to the Operations IT department's work and other company projects as needed
  • Technologies we use

  • Frameworks and Libraries: NextJS, Expo, React, React Native, PayloadCMS
  • Other Libraries: TailwindCSS, Zustand, Express, Hono
  • Runtimes: Node, Deno, Bun (both server and serverless)
  • Languages: TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Java
  • Databases: MySQL, PSQL, MongoDB
  • Hosting Platforms: AWS, GCP, Netlify, Railway
  • Values and skills

  • You must have exceptional values, including honesty, integrity, and empathy. A very high capacity for learning, a commitment to excellence, and high energy are essential to success.
  • Education and experience

  • You do not need a specific degree or job history, but a degree in computer science or equivalent experience is recommended. Experience with programming, web frameworks, and relational databases is also helpful.
  • Location and hours

  • This is a full-time, salaried position located in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  • Direct supervisor

  • Technical Lead
  • About the department

  • The department designs and develops our primary ecommerce site,, and also related sites built on the same technology platform. The purpose of all work is to create a world-class intuitive, fast, and simple online experience for buying our tools, obtaining support, and receiving information from us.
  • How to Apply

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