Interview Questions

Get ready for your upcoming Translator virtual interview. Familiarize yourself with the necessary skills, anticipate potential questions that could be asked and practice answering them using our example responses.

Updated June 16, 2024

The STAR interview technique is a method used by interviewees to structure their responses to behavioral interview questions. STAR stands for:

This method provides a clear and concise way for interviewees to share meaningful experiences that demonstrate their skills and competencies.

Browse interview questions:

Can you provide samples of your previous translation work in <target language>?

Asking for samples is a way to evaluate the candidate's ability to translate accurately while maintaining the tone and style of the original text.

Dos and don'ts: "Share specific examples of your work and explain the challenges and considerations you had while working on them. If privacy allows, provide tangible samples."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: As a professional translator, I have worked on a wide range of projects that required translation into various target languages.
  • Task: To demonstrate my translation capabilities and provide a tangible record of my work.
  • Action: I have compiled a portfolio of non-confidential samples of my translation work, showcasing different text types and fields of expertise.
  • Result: These samples provide evidence of my translation skills and competence in handling different types of texts in the target language.

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How do you handle specialized vocabulary or industry-specific jargon during translation?

This question addresses the candidate's meticulousness and their approach to quality control in their work.

Dos and don'ts: "Give an example of when you translated specialized or industry-specific vocabulary. Discuss how you familiarize yourself with jargon and conduct research to understand complex terms."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: During my time at a technical company, I was tasked with translating highly technical documents with specific industry jargon.
  • Task: The challenge was to ensure that the translations accurately conveyed the meanings and were accessible to the target audience.
  • Action: I thoroughly researched the industry-specific terms, consulted with subject matter experts when necessary, and maintained a personalized glossary for future reference.
  • Result: The translated documents were accurate and well-received by the target audience, demonstrating my ability to handle specialized vocabulary effectively.

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How do you ensure the accuracy of your translations?


Dos and don'ts: "Discuss your comprehensive process to ensure accuracy, including understanding context, consulting dictionaries and reference materials, and proofreading your work. Highlight any additional quality control steps like peer review or using specialized tools."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: I was once tasked with translating a complex legal contract from French into English. The document contained intricate legal terminologies and any misinterpretation could lead to serious legal repercussions.
  • Task: My primary duty was not only to translate the document, but also to ensure the highest level of accuracy, preserving the legal intent of the original text.
  • Action: I first read the entire document in French to fully grasp its overall context and purpose. I took notes of terminologies that were challenging or unfamiliar, and did extensive research on these, cross-referencing multiple legal dictionaries and reference materials. Once the first draft of the translation was complete, I proofread it multiple times, paying close attention to syntax, semantics, and style. I also collaborated with a fellow translator who was proficient in French and English legal translation to review my work.
  • Result: The final translated contract accurately reflected the original French document, and the client was satisfied with the precision and quality of the translation. This meticulous process ensures that I maintain the highest level of accuracy in all my translations.

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Have you ever had to meet tight deadlines for translations? How did you manage?

Accuracy is paramount in translation. This question assesses the candidate's commitment to maintaining the integrity of the original text.

Dos and don'ts: "Provide an instance where you had to deliver a project under tight deadlines and explain how you managed it. Talk about prioritization, time management, and efficient workflow."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: I was once tasked with translating a long legal document in a very short timeframe.
  • Task: Despite the short notice, I needed to provide a high-quality translation without delay.
  • Action: I prioritized the task, worked longer hours, and used efficient CAT tools to speed up the process without compromising quality.
  • Result: I was able to meet the deadline and deliver a high-quality translation, much to the client's satisfaction.

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Can you explain your process for proofreading and editing translations?

Translators often work with tight deadlines. Understanding how candidates manage their time and work under pressure is crucial.

Dos and don'ts: "Describe your systematic approach to proofreading and editing, such as multiple read-throughs, peer review, and using editing tools. Highlight your attention to detail."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: Proofreading and editing are integral parts of the translation process.
  • Task: To ensure that the translated text is error-free and reads naturally in the target language.
  • Action: After translating, I set the text aside for a short while before returning to it with fresh eyes. I then thoroughly proofread and edit the text, looking for any inconsistencies, errors, or awkward phrasing.
  • Result: This method helps me catch any mistakes or areas for improvement, ensuring the final translation is of the highest quality.

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Have you ever had to translate content that you weren't familiar with? How did you handle it?

Translating specialized vocabulary or jargon requires specific knowledge and expertise. It's essential to know how a translator handles such challenges.

Dos and don'ts: "Discuss a situation where you were given content outside of your familiarity to translate. Explain how you conducted research and used other resources to ensure accurate translation."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: I was once given a project to translate a comprehensive report on renewable energy technologies, a field I wasn't previously familiar with.
  • Task: The project demanded a high degree of accuracy and a deep understanding of the subject matter.
  • Action: I devoted time to research the topic extensively, familiarize myself with the key terms and concepts, and consulted with a subject matter expert to ensure accuracy.
  • Result: The final translation was accurate, precise, and well-received by the client, demonstrating my ability to quickly familiarize myself with new content.

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How do you maintain consistency when translating large documents or projects?

Translators will likely encounter unfamiliar content. Their approach to such situations reveals their research skills and adaptability.

Dos and don'ts: "Discuss strategies you use to maintain consistency in large translation projects, like developing a style guide, maintaining a terminology database, or regularly reviewing previous sections."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: I was entrusted with translating a 500-page technical manual from German to English, with a multitude of specific terminologies and a consistent technical style required across all pages.
  • Task: My primary objective was to preserve consistency in translation across this voluminous document.
  • Action: I created a project-specific style guide and built a comprehensive terminology database for the manual's unique technical language. This ensured uniformity in terms used and preserved the document's tone. Throughout the translation, I referred back to previously translated sections and cross-checked them for consistency.
  • Result: The client praised the high-quality translation, particularly noting the consistency in technical language and style throughout the manual. This project solidified my approach to handling large-scale translation tasks effectively.

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How proficient are you in using CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tools? Can you name the ones you have used?

Consistency is important in translating larger projects. Understanding a candidate's strategy for this can indicate their organizational skills and attention to detail.

Dos and don'ts: "Explain your proficiency with CAT tools, including specific tools you have used, how they enhanced your work, and your ability to learn new software if necessary."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: In the translation industry, the use of CAT tools is essential for productivity and consistency.
  • Task: To optimize my translation process, I needed to become proficient with several industry-standard CAT tools.
  • Action: I familiarized myself with various CAT tools such as SDL Trados, memoQ, and Wordfast, and have incorporated them into my work process.
  • Result: My proficiency with these tools has significantly improved my productivity, consistency, and the overall quality of my translations.

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Can you describe a time when you had to resolve a difficult language discrepancy between the source and target language?

Proficiency in CAT tools is a significant advantage in today's digital world. This question assesses a candidate's technical skills.

Dos and don'ts: "Share a specific scenario where you faced a challenging language discrepancy and how you resolved it. This might involve research, consulting language experts, or using specialized tools."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: I was translating a marketing brochure from English to Japanese and encountered a slogan that, if translated literally, wouldn't make sense in Japanese.
  • Task: I needed to create a translation that conveyed the slogan's original sentiment while also being culturally appropriate and understandable for Japanese readers.
  • Action: I brainstormed several alternatives, taking into consideration the cultural context and the intended message of the slogan. I then sought feedback from native Japanese colleagues.
  • Result: I was able to produce a translation that was well-received and effectively communicated the brand's message to the Japanese audience.

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How do you stay updated with changes and evolution in the languages you translate?

Language discrepancies can be challenging in translation. This question provides insight into a candidate's problem-solving skills.

Dos and don'ts: "Discuss your methods for staying current with language changes, like reading contemporary literature, attending language courses, or participating in language communities."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: Language is constantly evolving, and staying updated is crucial to providing accurate translations.
  • Task: My task is to ensure that my language skills and knowledge are up-to-date and relevant.
  • Action: I regularly read literature and news, attend language workshops, and interact with native speakers to keep abreast of linguistic changes and nuances.
  • Result: This continuous learning process allows me to provide translations that are accurate, natural, and in line with contemporary usage.

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How do you handle cultural references or idioms that may not have a direct translation in the target language?

Languages evolve over time. Staying updated shows dedication to professional development and ensures more accurate translations.

Dos and don'ts: "Explain your approach to translating cultural references or idioms, such as maintaining the original's intent or explaining the reference in a footnote. Give a specific example."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: While translating a novel, I came across idioms and cultural references that didn't have direct equivalents in the target language.
  • Task: My task was to translate these elements in a way that made sense to the target audience while staying true to the original content.
  • Action: I employed a strategy of transcreation, where I recreated the same effect using culturally appropriate references and expressions in the target language.
  • Result: The translated novel retained its original charm and resonated well with the target audience, demonstrating my skill in handling cultural nuances in translation.

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What is the most challenging translation project you have worked on, and why?

Translating cultural references or idioms requires cultural understanding and creativity. This question assesses a candidate's ability to handle such nuances.

Dos and don'ts: "Talk about a challenging project you have completed, explaining why it was challenging, and how you navigated those challenges."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: I once worked on a large-scale project translating an extensive legal document into three different languages.
  • Task: It was my responsibility to manage the project and ensure the translations were accurate, consistent, and delivered on time.
  • Action: I organized the project into manageable parts, coordinated with other translators, maintained a strict quality control process, and worked extra hours to meet the deadline.
  • Result: Despite the challenges, I was able to deliver the project on time and to the client's satisfaction, highlighting my ability to handle complex projects effectively.

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Can you discuss any experience you have with translating for specific industries (e.g., legal, medical, technical)?

Discussing a challenging project allows the candidate to demonstrate their problem-solving abilities, resilience, and how they handle complexity.

Dos and don'ts: "Describe any experience translating in specific industries, discussing how you learned the necessary terminology and style."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: In my previous role at a global pharmaceutical company, I was assigned to translate medical documents, including research findings and product descriptions.
  • Task: Ensuring accurate, clear, and compliant translations in such a specialized field was crucial.
  • Action: I spent time learning about the medical field, including terminology and conventions, and worked closely with subject matter experts to ensure the accuracy and clarity of my translations.
  • Result: This experience strengthened my translation skills in a specialized field and has since enabled me to deliver precise translations for various clients in the medical industry.

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Have you ever received negative feedback on your translations? How did you respond?

Translating for specific industries requires specialized knowledge. Understanding a candidate's experience in these areas can indicate their suitability for certain projects.

Dos and don'ts: "Discuss a situation where you received negative feedback, how you took that feedback on board, made necessary changes, and used it to improve your future work."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: Early in my career, I translated a complex technical manual where the client was not entirely satisfied with the clarity of some sections.
  • Task: My job was to address the client's concerns and improve the translation based on their feedback.
  • Action: I reviewed the sections in question, sought advice from a subject matter expert, and revised the translation accordingly. I also communicated openly with the client throughout the process to understand their concerns better.
  • Result: The client appreciated my responsiveness and professionalism. The revised translation met their expectations, and the experience significantly improved my skills and approach to translating technical content.

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What strategies do you employ to manage and organize multiple translation projects simultaneously?

How a candidate handles feedback speaks to their ability to adapt and improve, as well as their professionalism.

Dos and don'ts: "Discuss your strategies for managing multiple translation projects, such as using project management tools, prioritizing tasks, and setting clear schedules. Give an example where these strategies have been successful."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: Balancing multiple translation projects with varying deadlines is a common occurrence in my job.
  • Task: It's critical to effectively manage my time and resources to deliver all projects on time and maintain quality.
  • Action: I use project management tools to track each project's status, deadlines, and priority level. I also maintain a detailed schedule, break larger tasks into manageable parts, and ensure regular intervals for reviewing my work.
  • Result: These strategies have allowed me to successfully handle multiple translation projects simultaneously without compromising on deadlines or quality.

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