Product Designer
Interview Questions

Get ready for your upcoming Product Designer virtual interview. Familiarize yourself with the necessary skills, anticipate potential questions that could be asked and practice answering them using our example responses.

Updated June 16, 2024

The STAR interview technique is a method used by interviewees to structure their responses to behavioral interview questions. STAR stands for:

This method provides a clear and concise way for interviewees to share meaningful experiences that demonstrate their skills and competencies.

Browse interview questions:

How do you incorporate accessibility into your product design process?

Addressing accessibility shows your commitment to inclusivity, a key aspect of modern design practice.

Dos and don'ts: "Explain your commitment to inclusive design, describing specific measures you take to ensure accessibility."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: At ABC Designs, one of our clients was a government organization, and ensuring accessibility was a major requirement for their website redesign project.

  • Task: I was tasked to create a design that was accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

  • Action: I familiarized myself with WCAG guidelines and made sure every design decision, from color contrast to keyboard navigation, was in compliance. I used tools like the WAVE Evaluation Tool to check accessibility and conducted usability tests with differently-abled users.

  • Result: The redesigned website was well-received and was fully compliant with WCAG 2.1. It significantly improved the accessibility score of the site and reinforced the importance of designing for all users.

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Can you walk us through your design process when you start a new product?

Discussing your design process will help interviewers understand how you approach your work, demonstrating your thought process, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.

Dos and don'ts: "While describing your design process, focus on the key steps you follow, demonstrating your approach to problem-solving and decision-making. Be specific and try to provide examples."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: In my previous role at XYZ Tech, I led the design for a new mobile app.

  • Task: The goal was to create a user-friendly app that combined social media networking with e-commerce.

  • Action: I started by defining the user personas based on market research. Then, I brainstormed ideas and sketched initial designs, which I used to create low-fidelity wireframes. After receiving feedback from the team and stakeholders, I moved onto creating high-fidelity prototypes using tools like Figma and Sketch. Usability testing was conducted at each stage to refine the design.

  • Result: The app was launched successfully and received positive user feedback for its intuitive design, contributing to a 35% increase in user engagement within the first three months of launch.

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What is your approach to user research and how has it influenced your designs?

Your approach to user research reveals your understanding of users' needs and perspectives, an essential factor in creating user-centered designs.

Dos and don'ts: "When talking about user research, detail the methods you use and how these have shaped your designs. Highlight the importance of user-centered design and continuous feedback."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: During the development of the above-mentioned app at XYZ Tech, we noticed a significant drop in user engagement during the usability testing phase.

  • Task: We needed to understand why users were not engaging as expected.

  • Action: I conducted user research, including surveys and interviews. We also analyzed in-app behavior through heat maps and session recordings.

  • Result: The insights gathered helped us understand that users were finding our navigation menu complex. We simplified it, which resulted in a 25% increase in user engagement.

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Can you discuss a product design project where you had to make significant changes based on user feedback?

Sharing a project where you adapted your design based on user feedback shows your flexibility, willingness to iterate, and commitment to user satisfaction.

Dos and don'ts: "Share a specific example where user feedback led to significant changes in your design. Show how you are open to feedback and adaptable in your design approach."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: At ABC Designs, I was leading the redesign of an e-commerce website.

  • Task: Our goal was to enhance the user experience and increase conversion rates.

  • Action: Post-launch, we received user feedback that the checkout process was confusing. I analyzed the feedback and decided to redesign the checkout process by reducing the number of steps and adding clearer instructions.

  • Result: These changes resulted in a 20% increase in successful checkouts and positive user feedback. This showed me the value of listening to users and being willing to make significant changes when necessary.

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How do you prioritize features in a product design project?

Prioritizing features can be challenging, and your approach can indicate strategic thinking and understanding of user needs and business goals.

Dos and don'ts: "Talk about your methods for prioritizing features, like using user feedback, analyzing data, or working with other stakeholders. This should demonstrate your strategic and user-focused approach."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: While working on a project at ABC Designs, we had a long list of potential features for a new mobile app.

  • Task: I was tasked with deciding which features to include in the initial release.

  • Action: I used a combination of methods to prioritize features, including user research to understand what was most important to our target audience, business objectives, technical feasibility, and competitive analysis. I also utilized the MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, and Won't have) method to sort the features.

  • Result: This method of prioritization resulted in a well-received initial release that balanced user needs, business objectives, and technical constraints. It also provided a clear roadmap for future enhancements.

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How do you ensure that the product design aligns with the overall brand and business objectives?

Aligning design with brand and business objectives is crucial. Your response will show how you balance creative and business considerations.

Dos and don'ts: "Explain how you work to understand a brand's identity and objectives, and how this understanding guides your design decisions. Avoid implying that aesthetics override functionality or business goals."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: When I worked at ABC Designs, the company decided to launch a new service line that required a dedicated section on the website.

  • Task: I was given the responsibility of designing this new section.

  • Action: I began by understanding the company's business objectives for the new service line and how it fit into the overall brand strategy. I ensured that the new design reflected the company's visual identity, messaging, and values. Moreover, I prioritized features that supported business goals, such as lead generation and customer engagement.

  • Result: The new design was well-received by stakeholders and played a critical role in the successful launch of the service line, contributing to a 30% increase in leads in the first quarter.

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Can you describe a time when you faced a major design challenge and how you overcame it?

Discussing a design challenge you've faced will allow you to highlight your problem-solving skills and resilience.

Dos and don'ts: "Highlight your problem-solving skills with a concrete example of a design challenge you faced and overcame. Avoid blaming others or external factors for the challenge."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: During my time at XYZ Tech, I was responsible for redesigning an application that had been poorly received by users due to its complex user interface.

  • Task: My job was to overhaul the design and make it more user-friendly while maintaining its extensive functionality.

  • Action: I conducted a detailed usability study to understand user pain points. Based on this, I simplified the interface and broke down complex functions into simpler tasks, without compromising on functionality. I frequently tested and iterated the design based on user feedback.

  • Result: The redesigned application saw a significant increase in user engagement, with user satisfaction scores increasing by 40%. This experience underscored the importance of iterative design and user feedback.

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What tools and software do you use in your product design process and why do you prefer them?

The tools you use and why you prefer them reveals your technical proficiency and adaptability to new technologies.

Dos and don'ts: "Discuss the tools and software you use, explaining why you prefer them. This could relate to efficiency, functionality, or compatibility with other tools."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: At both ABC Designs and XYZ Tech, I worked on a variety of product design projects.

  • Task: Efficiently creating and iterating designs were central to my role.

  • Action: I used a combination of tools like Sketch for creating wireframes and interactive prototypes, InVision for prototyping and gathering user feedback, and Figma for real-time collaboration with the design team. I also used Adobe Suite for more refined visuals. These tools streamlined the design process, facilitated collaboration, and enabled quick iterations based on user feedback.

  • Result: The use of these tools led to more efficient workflows, better communication within the team, and improved designs through rapid iteration.

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How do you approach designing a product for a new target demographic or market?

Demonstrating your approach to designing for new demographics can show your cultural sensitivity, adaptability, and research skills.

Dos and don'ts: "Discuss your approach to researching and understanding a new target demographic. Show that you understand the importance of cultural sensitivity and localized design."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: While working at a fitness app startup, we decided to tap into the senior demographic—a market we hadn't focused on previously.

  • Task: It was my responsibility to redesign the app, making it senior-friendly without alienating our existing user base.

  • Action: I started with extensive user research, including surveys and interviews with seniors, to understand their needs, capabilities, and technology comfort level. I used this data to guide my design decisions, focusing on larger fonts, clearer icons, and simpler navigation. I also ensured to include onboarding tutorials for new users.

  • Result: Our user base in the senior demographic grew by 40% within six months of the redesign. Furthermore, user reviews showed an appreciation for our easy-to-use design, and we didn't experience a drop-off from our existing users.

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Can you describe a project where you worked closely with product managers, engineers, and other stakeholders?

Detailing a collaborative project helps interviewers understand how you work in a team, especially with non-design roles, which is essential for successful product development.

Dos and don'ts: "Provide an example that demonstrates your ability to work collaboratively, stressing the importance of communication and shared goals in such collaborations."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: When I was at XYZ Tech, our team was tasked with developing a complex productivity tool.

  • Task: As the lead designer, I needed to ensure the product was not only user-friendly but also technically feasible and aligned with business goals.

  • Action: I worked closely with product managers to understand the business objectives, with engineers to understand the technical constraints, and with user research to get insights into user needs. I facilitated frequent meetings and design reviews, which allowed for an open exchange of ideas, leading to a design that balanced user needs, business objectives, and technical feasibility.

  • Result: The resulting productivity tool was a success, receiving positive feedback from users regarding its ease of use, and our close collaboration led to a smooth development process with no major hitches.

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Can you share an example of a product that you designed that was highly successful? What do you believe contributed to its success?

Discussing a successful design will allow you to show off your design skills in a concrete way and demonstrate your understanding of what makes a product successful.

Dos and don'ts: "Share a specific example of a successful product you designed, discussing what contributed to its success. This should highlight your understanding of successful design and your ability to execute it."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: During my tenure at XYZ Corporation, I led the design for a productivity app targeted towards small businesses.

  • Task: The goal was to create an intuitive and efficient app that could manage tasks, calendars, and documents in a centralized location.

  • Action: I initiated a user-centered design process, starting with user research to gather insights about our target users' pain points. Based on the insights, I designed a clean, intuitive interface and a simple onboarding process. I also made sure to incorporate feedback from multiple testing and iteration cycles.

  • Result: Post-launch, the app received high user ratings, attracted a significant number of new users, and had a high retention rate. I attribute its success to the user-centric design process, effective communication with the development team, and consistent feedback incorporation, which helped to meet users' needs effectively.

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How do you keep up-to-date with the latest trends and innovations in product design?

The design field evolves quickly, and keeping up-to-date indicates a commitment to professional growth and relevancy.

Dos and don'ts: "Discuss how you keep up-to-date with design trends, whether through continual learning, reading industry news, attending workshops, or networking. Avoid suggesting you blindly follow trends without considering their appropriateness for your projects."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: To remain competitive in the rapidly evolving field of product design, staying current is a continuous task.

  • Task: It's my responsibility to keep my skills and knowledge up-to-date to ensure I'm providing the best value to my team and our projects.

  • Action: I subscribe to top design newsletters, follow influential designers and design-focused organizations on social media, and frequently attend webinars and conferences. I also take online courses to learn new tools and techniques. I encourage open discussions about new trends and ideas within my team, fostering a culture of continuous learning.

  • Result: This proactive approach has allowed me to stay ahead of industry trends, consistently bringing fresh, innovative ideas to the table and continually improving my skills and knowledge.

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Can you describe a time when a product you designed didn't perform as well as expected? How did you handle it?

Discussing a design that didn't meet expectations can show how you handle setbacks, learn from failures, and make improvements.

Dos and don'ts: "Share an example of a product that didn't meet expectations, focusing on how you responded constructively to improve the product. Avoid blaming others and instead demonstrate your resilience and learning mindset."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: At one point, I was involved in designing a new feature for our company's e-commerce app, but after the launch, it didn't receive the anticipated user engagement.

  • Task: As the lead designer, it was crucial for me to identify the reasons behind this and devise a solution.

  • Action: I collaborated with the data analytics team to interpret user behavior data. We also conducted a post-launch survey to get direct feedback from the users. The data suggested that users found the feature difficult to discover.

  • Result: Based on these insights, I redesigned the navigation to make the feature more noticeable and accessible. After implementing these changes, we observed a significant increase in the usage of the feature, illustrating the importance of data and feedback in guiding design revisions.

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How do you measure the success of your designs post-launch?

Measuring success post-launch is crucial to iteratively improve products. This question probes your understanding of key performance indicators in design.

Dos and don'ts: "Discuss the metrics you use to evaluate design success. This should show your understanding of how design impacts users and business outcomes."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: When I was part of the design team at XYZ Corporation, one of my responsibilities was evaluating the performance of our designs post-launch.

  • Task: This was critical in assessing whether the design achieved its objectives and in identifying areas for improvement.

  • Action: I worked closely with our data analytics team to track a range of metrics like user engagement, retention rates, task completion rates, and net promoter scores. Additionally, I ensured to monitor user feedback through surveys and reviews to get qualitative insights into user satisfaction.

  • Result: This multi-pronged approach helped us effectively gauge the success of our designs, informed our iterative design improvements, and provided valuable insights that we incorporated into future projects.

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Why are you interested in the Product Designer role at our company, and what unique skills and experiences can you bring to our team?

Explaining your interest in the role and what you can bring to the team not only gauges your enthusiasm for the opportunity but also assesses your self-awareness and understanding of the company's needs.

Dos and don'ts: "Express your enthusiasm for the role and the company, linking your skills and experiences to the company's needs. Avoid generic responses that could apply to any company, and instead show that you've done your homework on this specific company."

Suggested answer:

  • Situation: I've been following your company for a while now and have been impressed by your innovative product line and strong emphasis on user-centric design.

  • Task: As a product designer, my goal is to work in a creative, collaborative environment where I can contribute to producing high-quality, impactful products.

  • Action: Throughout my career, I have gained a breadth of experience in user research, prototyping, usability testing, and coordinating with various stakeholders. My expertise in tools like Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD, combined with my knowledge of UI/UX principles, allows me to create compelling, intuitive designs.

  • Result: I believe that my skills, combined with my passion for user-centric design, will make a significant contribution to your team. I am particularly excited to bring fresh perspectives, foster collaboration, and create products that delight users and drive business success.

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